PO Box 195, Rhinecliff NY 12572

Friday, July 16, 2010

Where's the rain?!

If you live in the Hudson Valley, you know that the rain has been meager, a few showers at night is not enough to keep my grass from browning out. Gardeners and homeowners alike need to keep their gardens watered, without wasting it. You can do this various ways. I've seen homeowners placing empty milk jugs at each plant in their garden. They fill them up each night and let the plants take what they need. There are simpler ways that don't depend on your ability to drink gallons of milk first. Try reducing weeds around plants, this will prevent the weeds taking water away from the plant. Mulching around plants with tree bark, this helps with water retention. Hand-water if possible. Research shows that hand-watering can be the most efficient way to irrigate because you often can see when the soil is moist and provide water only when the plants need it. Provide water only when needed. You can look for clues to water stress, such as slight wilting or a dull, transparent look of the leaves. This strategy works well for trees and shrubs.

Keep in mind that you CAN plant in dry weather, although it is not ideal. When you plant new perennials, shrubs and trees, provide a long soak from a hose to saturate the soil deeply in the immediate area. For each of these plants turn the hose on low, otherwise you'll be washing away topsoil and mulch. For perennials, leave the hose on for 1- 2 minutes for each plant. Shrubs 5-10 minutes and newly planted trees 15minutes. You should repeat this process several times, especially during dry periods, to give your new shrubs and trees the resources to grow strong and deep root systems that will require less water in the future. If plants start drooping, they need water.

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